The Imitation Game- New Trailer

Dearest reader,

Here’s the new trailer for ‘The Imitation Game’, starring Benedict Cumberbatch, Keira Knightley, Matthew Goode, and Mark Strong. A new movie set during World War II.

Now, I don’t only find the premise amazing, but I also think that this is a killer cast!!!

Sadly I have yet to find someone who will go with me to the cinema to see this potential masterpiece. Apparently, my friends do not think movies based on history and wars are ‘cool’, but I’ll be positive and hope that I will find someone until November.

Now, please enjoy this trailer of a film that seems to have huge potential.

Hope you liked it,

Until next time, many kisses,

Lexi xoxo.

P.S. It seems that we will have many great movies at the end of this year.